Welcome to Dongguan Sanyou Automation Technology Co., LTD website! The company specializes in Swing shuttle computer pattern machine, Spinning shuttle computer pattern machine
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Sanyou Automation TechnologyFocused on manufacturing automated sewing equipment for many years
Service telephone: +86 136-1266-1799 Mechanical after-sales: +86 139-2680-8776 Electronic technology: +86 136-8952-3679
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Benefit ratio of computer prototype:
1, improve the output, a production line before and after the use of computer needle car comparison, generally can increase the output of more than 30%~50% (product process and structure are different) 2, reduce production workers, at present, enterprises all over the country are in the recruitment problem, a computer car can usually top 6~10 people's workload, the larger can even top 20 people's workload, greatly reduce the production work.
3, improve and stabilize product quality, computer car is a high-tech precision products, can produce stable, beautiful, complex all kinds of sewing thread, is a high-grade sewing products one of the necessary equipment.
4, enhance the corporate image status, now many product brands of the main decoration customers are designated to use computer car decoration lines and patterns. So owning a computer car is also one of the corporate images.
5. Reduce costs and increase revenue. Some enterprises think it is not worth spending tens of thousands of yuan to buy a computer car, but carefully calculate a account is very cost-effective.
6, product specialization, computer prototype can also be made up of a variety of complex styles, is really modern automation high-tech products. Computer prototype shortcomings: computer car, computer prototype, computer sewing machine, affect the use of screw hole arm defects are mainly: Tapping bottom hole is too large easy to slide, tapping depth is not enough, screw is not in place, some parts of the screw hole deviate from the best position of the need to tighten the object, causing the lock is not tight or back loose phenomenon, screw hole center line and the base plane of the force is not vertical, so that the screw is easy to damage and back loose. For affecting the use of computer prototype maintenance operations, may bring trouble to the screws and nuts as long as found must not be soft, resolutely with good quality nuts and nuts to replace, otherwise infinite trouble, great harm. For the influence of the use of screw holes, in addition to the depth can be deepened, other not good disposal, there is a certain difficulty, must remember one: try to stay away from the machine or accessories.
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