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Sanyou Automation TechnologyFocused on manufacturing automated sewing equipment for many years
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When sewing materials, the sewing machine bottom line loose how to do? Sewing machine bottom line loose how to solve? So today, the small edition of the sewing machine manufacturer will teach you the solution of the sewing machine bottom line loosening.

In fact, sometimes the sewing machine appears loose bottom line, not only the bottom line loose, may also be the surface line loose, the loss of function of the clamp and the bottom line winding loose.

If it is caused by the loose bottom line or surface line of sewing machine sewing materials, Xiaobian suggests that we timely solve the sewing situation of the bottom line or surface line tightness adjustment.

If it is caused by the loss of function of the sewing machine clamp, Xiaobian suggests that you check whether the clamp between the two iron pieces of the thread head and other things and clean up in time.

If it is caused by loose winding of the bottom line of the sewing machine, Xiaobian suggests that you adjust the pressure of winding the spindle in time. If the spool spring is too loose, replace the small screws on the spool bed that have adjustment bottom lines.

In addition, Xiaobian also gives you the use of sewing machine tips, you can understand, that is, the line loose bottom line, bottom line elastic line. Screw clamp thread piece of spindle bed, dirt of thread is removed, the more the machine is used, the more convenient.

Above is a small series to share with you to solve the sewing machine bottom line loose method, hope to help you. If you want to know more about other sewing machines, you can always pay attention to our website.

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